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Mon coup de coeur this weekend is

for the illustrations of Scott Balmer, who after graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone college of Art & Design in Scotland, started life as a freelance illustrator.
My favourite is the one below, called Poop in the Woods but they are all very playful and I love the fact that his characters don't give a damn about being size 0...
I think they look a lot more cuddlier with curves and big bellies, bicepts and they are all smiling!!

this is Lumberjack

If you are in the UK, you may have across his work in The Guardian but he has also done a bit of work for Inc. magazine and Business Week in the US.
This is The Amazing Hilda

This is The Hills

this is DNA

this is Sugar Frosted

You can see more of Scott's work on Flickr here

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